The user manual for the brain - Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Since the early 1970s the study of what is now known as Neuro-linguistic programming has revealed how the mind works, how people...

  • Do you ever wonder why some people get on with some people but others do not?
  • Do you ever wonder why you cannot communicate with some people no matter how hard you try?

Since the early 1970s the study of what is now known as Neuro-linguistic programming has revealed how the mind works, how people communicate with themselves and others and how they represent external and internal events to themselves.


NLP is a behavioural process - the psychology of excellence. It’s about how you do things to succeed in life (either on a personal or a professional level) - not simply about how to acquire information - after all anyone can do that!

What is NLP?

NLP is short for Neuro-Linguistic Programming:

  • Neuro refers to neurology, our nervous system - the mental pathways our five senses take which allow us to see, hear, feel, taste and smell. 
  • Linguistic refers to our language ability; how we put together words and phrases to express ourselves, as well as how our “silent language” of movement and gestures reveals our states, thinking styles and more. 
  • Programming, taken from computer science, refers to the idea that our thoughts, feelings and actions are like computer software programs. When we change those programs, just as when we change or upgrade software, we immediately get positive changes in our performance. We get immediate improvements in how we think, feel, act and live.

NLP provides you with an instruction manual for the mind and thus makes it easy for you to communicate effectively and thus influence change in yourself and others. 


What are the benefits of learning NLP?

Amongst other things you will learn how to:

  • Become more assertive
  • Remove self limiting beliefs
  • Influence and persuade people
  • Effectively manage your emotions
  • Deliver more effective presentations
  • Give and receive effective feedback
  • Become an outstanding communicator
  • Read external signs of thinking patterns
  • Use motivating and influencing language
  • Establish a set of positive skills and insight
  • Deal with challenge and conflict in the workplace
  • Build rapport using physiology, voice and language
  • Recognise what motivates and de-motivates people
  • Model and continually improve personal performance
  • Build improved relationships with clients and colleagues
  • Become better at managing, advising and appraising staff
  • Embrace a new empowering way of thinking – the NLP way
  • Plan and achieve business objectives with well-formed outcomes
  • Maximise people’s potential by understanding what motivates them
  • Understand conscious versus unconscious thinking, language and behaviour
  • Embrace ways to actively use mind, body and emotions to run your life more successfully
  • Be more effective in meetings, particularly where it is necessary to manage and resolve conflict
  • Be more creative in your thinking and become better able to solve problems and meet new challenges
  • Understand the NLP communication model and how to make your communications effective at all levels
  • Understand other peoples’ ‘model of the world’ and thus be more effective when it comes to negotiation


Get in touch with us

11, Kyriacou Matsi Street, Nikis Center, 3rd Floor, Office 303, 1082 Nicosia, CYPRUS

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